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Get Merge Market Depth

Frequency limit: 20 times/1s (IP)


Get merge depth data

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/mix/market/merge-depth
Request Example
curl ""

Request Parameters

symbolStringYesTrading pair
productTypeStringYesProduct type
USDT-FUTURES USDT professional futures
COIN-FUTURES Mixed futures
USDC-FUTURES USDC professional futures
SUSDT-FUTURES USDT professional futures demo
SCOIN-FUTURES Mixed futures demo
SUSDC-FUTURES USDC professional futures demo
precisionStringNoPrice accuracy, according to the selected accuracy as the step size to return the cumulative depth, enumeration value:
'scale0' is not merged, the default value
In general, 'scale1' is the merged depth of the transaction pair’s quotation accuracy10
Generally, 'scale2' is the quotation precision
'scale3' is the quotation precision *1000
The precision corresponding to 0/1/2/3 is subject to the actual return parameter "scale". The quotation precision of each trading pair is different, and some trading pairs does not have 'scale2', and the request for a scale that does not exist for the currency pair will be processed according to the maximum scale. Example: A certain trading pair only has scale 0/1, and when scale2 is requested, it will be automatically reduced to 'scale1'.
limitStringNoFixed gear enumeration value: 1/5/15/50/max, the default gear is 100, passing max returns the maximum gear of the trading pair
When the actual depth does not meet the limit, return according to the actual gear . If max is passed in, the maximum level of the trading pair will be returned.
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1695870963008,
"data": {
"asks": [
"bids": [
"ts": "1695870968804",
"scale": "0.1",
"precision": "scale0",
"isMaxPrecision": "NO"

Response Parameters

asksList<String>The selling price
elements are price and quantity.
> Index 0StringPrice
> Index 1StringQuantity
bidsList<String>Buying price
The elements are price and quantity.
> Index 0StringPrice
> Index 1StringQuantity
precisionStringRequested precision
scaleStringActual precision value
isMaxPrecisionStringYES indicates that the current accuracy is the maximum, NO indicates that it is not the maximum accuracy.