Get History Transactions
Frequency limit: 10 times/1s (IP)
Get transaction records of the last 7 days
HTTP Request
- GET /api/v2/mix/market/fills-history
Request Example
curl ""
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Trading pair |
productType | String | Yes | Product typeUSDT-FUTURES USDT professional futuresCOIN-FUTURES Mixed futuresUSDC-FUTURES USDC professional futuresSUSDT-FUTURES USDT professional futures demoSCOIN-FUTURES Mixed futures demoSUSDC-FUTURES USDC professional futures demo |
limit | String | No | Number of queries: Default: 500, maximum: 1000 |
idLessThan | String | No | Separate page content before this ID is requested (older data), the value input should be the endId of the corresponding interface. |
startTime | String | No | Start timestamp Unix timestamp in milliseconds format, e.g. 1597026383085 (The maximum time span supported is a week. The default end time is a week if no value is set for the end time. ) |
endTime | String | No | End timestamp Unix timestamp in milliseconds format, e.g. 1597026383085 (The maximum time span supported is a week. The default start time is a week ago if no value is set for the start time. ) |
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1695865481335,
"data": [
"tradeId": "1",
"price": "26372.5",
"size": "9.25",
"side": "Sell",
"ts": "1695865151000",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT"
"tradeId": "2",
"price": "26383",
"size": "12.12",
"side": "Buy",
"ts": "1695865115000",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
> tradeId | String | tradeId, descending order |
> price | String | Price |
> size | String | Amount, specific base coin |
> side | String | Trading directionsell : Sellbuy : Buy |
> ts | String | Current data timestamp Unix timestamp in milliseconds format, e.g. 1597026383085 |
> symbol | String | Trading pair name |