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Get SubAccount Deposit Records

Frequency limit:10 times/1s (UID)


HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/spot/wallet/subaccount-deposit-records
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameter

subUidStringYesSub Account Uid
coinStringNoCoin name, e.g. USDT
startTimeStringNoThe record start time for the query. Unix millisecond timestamp, e.g. 1690196141868
endTimeStringNoThe end time of the record for the query. Unix millisecond timestamp, e.g. 1690196141868
idLessThanStringNoRequests the content on the page before this ID (older data), the value input should be the orderId of the corresponding interface.
limitStringNoNumber of entries per page
The default value is 20 and the maximum value is 100
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1654507973411,
"data": [
"orderId": "1",
"tradeId": "1",
"coin": "USDT",
"size": "10.00000000",
"status": "success",
"toAddress": "0x51xxx",
"dest": "on_chain",
"chain": "erc20",
"fromAddress": "0x52xxx",
"cTime": "1653290769222",
"uTime": "1653290769222"

Response Parameter

orderIdStringOrder ID
tradeIdStringTX ID
when dest is on_chain, it's the on chain hash value
if the dest is internal_transfer, it is the trade ID
coinStringToken name
clientOidStringCustomized order ID
statusStringDeposit status
pending:it's still in confirmation
fromAddressStringDeposit Initiators
If dest is on_chain, it's the on chain address
If dest is internal_transfer, it would be the UID,email or the mobile
toAddressStringCoin Receiver
If dest is on_chain, it's the on chain address
If dest is internal_transfer, it would be the UID,email or the mobile
chainStringDeposit network
if dest is internal_transfer, please ignore this parameter
confirmStringThe number of confirmed blocks
destStringDeposit Type
on_chain: the on chain deposit
internal_transfer: internal deposit
cTimeStringCreation time in ms
uTimeStringUpdate time in ms