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  • Q1: How to get API support?

    A : Join our official API support group and our admins will answer your questions.

  • Q2 : What does the WebSocket parameter instId pass? For example, BTCUSDT_UMCBL or BTCUSDT ?

    A : BTCUSDT or default; Please refer to the symbol value from Get Contract Config

  • Q3: What are the differences of Trader's minimum open count from normal users ?

  • Q4: How to know that you are a trader ?

    • A : Please refer to the response param traderType of this endpoint GET /api/v2/spot/account/info.Get Account Information
  • Q5: I am using a third party server/codes and it is not working. How can I get help?

    • A: Unfortunately, we do not provide troubleshooting support for third party servers or tools, please contact the third party customer service for further assistance. In addition, providing your API keys/keys to any other platform will have portential security risk, and it is up to you to decide whether to use their services. Please note that we do not provide coding related help.
  • Q6: If I forget the passphrase of API key, What should I do?

    • A: The passphrase of API Key can not be modified, please recreate your API Key.
  • Q7: What is the rate limit of API?

    • A: 1. The rate limit of each API endpoint is marked on the doc page;2. The rate limit of each API interface is calculated independently;3. The overall rate limit is 6000/IP/Min
  • Q8: Which characters are supported for clientOid?

    • A: clientOid supports [0-9], [a-z],[A-Z] and [-,+,_,#], length less than 50