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Get Merge Depth

Frequency limit: 20 times/1s (IP)


Get Merge Depth

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/spot/market/merge-depth
Request Example
curl ""

Request Parameters

symbolStringYesTrading pair
precisionStringNoPrice precision, return the cumulative depth according to the selected precision as the step size, enumeration value:
scale0 does not merge, the default value, generally speaking,
scale1 is the merged depth of the trading pair quotation accuracy 10, generally Under normal circumstances,
scale2 is the quotation accuracy
100. Under normal circumstances,
scale3 is the quotation accuracy * 1000.
Under normal circumstances, the accuracy corresponding to 0/1/2/3 is based on the actual return parameter "scale". Each trading pair The quotation accuracy is different. Some currency pairs do not have scale 2. Requests for scales that do not exist for the currency pair will be processed according to the maximum scale. Example: A certain trading pair only has scale 0/1, and when scale2 is requested, it is automatically reduced to scale1.
limitStringNoFixed gear enumeration value:1/5/15/50/max,default:100,When the actual depth does not meet the limit, return according to the actual gear, and pass in max to return the maximum gear of the trading pair.
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1695808949356,
"data": {
"asks": [
"bids": [
"ts": "1622102974025",

Response Parameters

asksArrayAsk depth
e.g. ["38084.5","0.5"] ,"38084.5" is price,"0.5" is base coin volume
bidsArrayBid depth
precisionStringCurrent gear, e.g. "scale1"
scaleStringActual precision value, e.g. "0.1"
isMaxPrecisionStringIs max precision