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Get History Profit Sharing Details

Limit rule 10 times/1s (uid)

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/copy/spot-trader/profit-history-details
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:your apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameter

Parameter NameParameter TypeRequiredDescription
idLessThanStringNoRequest the paging content before this ID (older data), and the passed value is the endId of the corresponding interface.
idGreaterThanStringNoRequest the paging content after this ID (updated data). The value passed is the endId of the corresponding interface.
startTimeStringNostart time
endTimeStringNoend time
limitStringNoNumber of queries: Default 100, maximum 100
coinStringNoProfit sharing settlement currency
Response example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1695806800430,
"data": {
"endId": "4",
"profitList": [
"profitId": "1",
"coin": "USDT",
"distributeRatio": "8",
"profit": "2.40377986",
"followerName": "xx1",
"profitTime": "1695371100000"
"profitId": "2",
"coin": "USDT",
"distributeRatio": "8",
"profit": "0.00000000",
"followerName": "xx2",
"profitTime": "1693822200000"
"profitId": "3",
"coin": "USDT",
"distributeRatio": "8",
"profit": "0.01625000",
"followerName": "xx3",
"profitTime": "1693556100000"
"profitId": "4",
"coin": "USDT",
"distributeRatio": "8",
"profit": "2.16373741",
"followerName": "xx4",
"profitTime": "1693536000000"

Response Description

ParameterParameter TypeDescription
profitListListProfit share overview
>profitIdStringProfit share ID
>coinStringSettlement currency
>distributeRatioStringProfit share ratio
If the value is 11.11, it represents 11.11%
>followerNameStringElite trader alias
>profitTimeStringTime to distribute profit share
endIdStringThe last profit share ID.
This is used when idLessThan/idGreaterThan is set as the querying scope.