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Get Order Fill Details

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Get order fill details

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/mix/order/fills
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:your apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:zh-CN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameters

orderIdStringNoOrder ID
symbolStringNoTrading pair, e.g. ETHUSDT
productTypeStringYesProduct type
USDT-FUTURES USDT professional futures
COIN-FUTURES Mixed futures
USDC-FUTURES USDC professional futures
SUSDT-FUTURES USDT professional futures demo
SCOIN-FUTURES Mixed futures demo
SUSDC-FUTURES USDC professional futures demo
idLessThanStringNoRequests the content on the page before the tradeId (older data).
startTimeStringNoStart time (time stamp in milliseconds)
(The maximum time span supported is three months. The default end time is three months if no value is set for the end time. )
(For Managed Sub-Account, the StartTime cannot be earlier than the binding time)
endTimeStringNoEnd time (time stamp in milliseconds)
(The maximum time span supported is three months. The default start time is three months ago if no value is set for the start time. )
limitStringNoNumber of queries: Default: 100, maximum: 100
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"data": {
"fillList": [
"tradeId": "123",
"symbol": "ethusdt",
"orderId": "121212",
"price": "1900",
"baseVolume": "1",
"feeDetail": [
"deduction": "yes",
"feeCoin": "PLATSK",
"totalDeductionFee": "-0.017118519726",
"totalFee": "-0.017118519726"
"side": "buy",
"quoteVolume": "1902",
"profit": "102",
"enterPointSource": "api",
"tradeSide": "close",
"posMode": "hedge_mode",
"tradeScope": "taker",
"cTime": "1627293509612"
"endId": "123"
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1627293504612

Response Parameters

fillListList<Object>Transaction details
>tradeIdStringTransaction id
>symbolStringTrading pair
>orderIdStringOrder no.
>priceStringOrder price
>baseVolumeStringAmount of coins traded
>feeDetailStringTransaction fee
>>deductionStringWhether or not to deduct (vouchers)
>>feeCoinStringCrypto ticker
>>totalDeductionFeeStringTotal transaction fee discount
>>totalFeeStringTotal transaction fee
>sideStringType of transaction
buy: Buy
sell: Sell
>quoteVolumeStringTrading amount in quote currency
>enterPointSourceStringOrder source
WEB: Orders created on the website
API: Orders created on API
SYS: System managed orders, usually generated by forced liquidation logic
ANDROID: Orders created on the Android app
IOS: Orders created on the iOS app
open (open and close mode)
close (open and close mode)
reduce_close_long Liquidate partial long positions
reduce_close_short Liquidate partial short positions
offset_close_long Liquidate partial long positions for netting
offset_close_short Liquidate partial short positions for netting
burst_close_long Liquidate long positions
burst_close_short Liquidate short positions
delivery_close_long Close long positions
delivery_close_short Close short positions
>posModeStringPosition mode
one_way_mode: one-way position
hedge_mode: two-way position
>tradeScopeStringTrader tag
taker: Taker
maker: Maker
>cTimeStringDate of transaction
The final order ID.
This is used when idLessThan/idGreaterThan is set as a range.
endIdStringThe final Transaction ID.
This is used when idLessThan/idGreaterThan is set as a range.